Digital Journalism

“When discussing media, if someone says, ‘let’s take the case of the New York Times,’ say ‘Let’s not.'”

“When discussing media, if someone says, ‘let’s take the case of the New York Times,’ say ‘Let’s not.’” Someone (David Carr?) recently reminded readers that the Times is sui generis. Almost nothing that applies to the Times can be generalized to the newspaper business as a whole. It is bigger, more national, has a stronger

“When discussing media, if someone says, ‘let’s take the case of the New York Times,’ say ‘Let’s not.'” Read More »

What Buzzfeed Learned from the New York Times

Jon Steinberg, COO of Buzzfeed, explains how the rise of digital media closely mirrors the history of newspapers. Based on a reading of Michael Schudson’s “Discovering the News,” Steinberg sees that technological innovation, the “democratization” of news and rapidly adapting revenue models are nothing new. The Times has been riding these trends for 150 years.

What Buzzfeed Learned from the New York Times Read More »

Why Time Inc. (and Everyone) Wants Out of the Magazine Business

Yesterday Jeffrey L. Bewkes, chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, announced that the company was spinning off its magazine division. “After a thorough review of options, we believe that a separation will better position both Time Warner and Time Inc.,” Mr. Bewkes told the New York Times’ Amy Chozick. “Time Inc. will also benefit

Why Time Inc. (and Everyone) Wants Out of the Magazine Business Read More »

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