“TO DO: Don’t ignore your dreams; don’t work too much; say what you think; cultivate friendships; be happy.”
Paul Graham, founder of start-up incubator YCombinator
Alexis Madrigal, technology editor of the Atlantic, recently wrote a funny and disturbing piece called A Day In the Life of A Digital Editor, 2013 The great thing about the story is that it cuts through the debate about the future of journalism by using the simple math that every editor uses when planning his
Cold Equations: The Simple Arithmetic of A Digital Editor Read More »
“When discussing media, if someone says, ‘let’s take the case of the New York Times,’ say ‘Let’s not.’” Someone (David Carr?) recently reminded readers that the Times is sui generis. Almost nothing that applies to the Times can be generalized to the newspaper business as a whole. It is bigger, more national, has a stronger
Dear recommendation engine: Sometimes I want to experience the interplay of human emotion and other times I want to see stuff blow up. Plus, it is my daughter who likes fairies.
Source is the name of the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews project, dedicated to encouraging the community of journalists and coders that make up new media. On New Year’s day, they published an analysis of the New York Times’ Snowfall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek, a ground-breaking piece of multimedia web journalism. I’ve gone back to both again
How the New York Times Made Snowfall Read More »
Jon Steinberg, COO of Buzzfeed, explains how the rise of digital media closely mirrors the history of newspapers. Based on a reading of Michael Schudson’s “Discovering the News,” Steinberg sees that technological innovation, the “democratization” of news and rapidly adapting revenue models are nothing new. The Times has been riding these trends for 150 years.
What Buzzfeed Learned from the New York Times Read More »
Yesterday Jeffrey L. Bewkes, chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, announced that the company was spinning off its magazine division. “After a thorough review of options, we believe that a separation will better position both Time Warner and Time Inc.,” Mr. Bewkes told the New York Times’ Amy Chozick. “Time Inc. will also benefit
Why Time Inc. (and Everyone) Wants Out of the Magazine Business Read More »
Karen McGrane, author of “Content Strategy for Mobile,” recently wrote an interesting A List Apart post about the difference between work that is good and work that is great. Both groups focus on getting the details, large and small, absolutely right. But the great also express their personal values in the work, and try to
Separating the Excellent from the Great Read More »
Felix Salmon just published an interesting take on the business of journalism. Warning: it is not pretty. Content Economics Advertising Payments Costs Also, take a look at Jack Schafer’s News Never Made Money and is Unlikely To
The Economics of Content Read More »
The potential for using video as a promotional tool has never been better or cheaper — even for nonprofits struggling to get their message out. Google released a list of the top non-profit videos to Mashable earlier this month. It’s no surprise that “Kony 2012” tops the list at over 100 million views, but other
Top Non-Profit YouTube Videos of 2012 Read More »