TweetDeck Column Types And What They Display

Types of TweetDeck columns and what they display:

  • Home: Timeline for one of your accounts
  • Search: A column for a specific search term
  • Followers: Follow activity for all your accounts or one specific account
  • Tweets: Tweets from a specific account
  • Mentions : Only includes when users mention a specific account
  • Messages: Direct messages for a specific account
  • Mentions (All Accounts): Only includes when users mention a specific account
  • Messages (All Accounts): Direct messages for a specific account
  • Activity: What’s happening with the accounts you follow
  • Inbox: Direct messages from all your authorized accounts in aggregate
  • User:
  • Favorites: Tweets marked as favorites from a specific account
  • Trending: A column dedicated to specific worldwide trends
  • Lists: Assign or create a list to be displayed within a column
  • Collection:s A timeline of curated Tweets, hand-selected by you, that you can share with others
  • Scheduled: Your scheduled Tweets



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