Twitter Advanced Search Operators
Twitter provides very useful, though complex, search functions, which can also be used within Tweetdeck. The easiest way to demonstrate their utility to to enter a few practice searches into the search page at all words in any position (Twitter search)
- Tweets containing the exact phrase (“Twitter search”)
- Tweets containing any of the words (Twitter OR search)
- Tweets excluding specific words (Twitter NOT search)
- You can also use minus sign to eliminate words (Twitter -search)
- Tweets with a specific hashtag (#twitterSearch)
- Tweets in a specific language (Twitter Search lang:es)
- Tweets from a specific account (from:@TwitterSearch)
- Tweets sent as replies to a specific account (to:@TwitterSearch)
- Tweets that mention a specific account (@TwitterSearch)
- Tweets sent from a geographic location, e.g. a specific city, state, country
- Use the place dropdown to select the geographic location
- You can also use “near” or “within:Xmi” to get more specific (Twitter search near:Chicago)
- Geocode may also work. (Still testing)
- Tweets sent within specific dates (Twitter Search since:2015-02-01 until:2015-02-10)
- Use the calendar dropdown to select a “from” date, “to” date or both
Search Filters
- Tweets containing questions or at least question marks (Twitter search ?)
- Tweets containing links (Twitter search filter:links)
- Tweets not containing links (Twitter search -filter:link)
- Tweets with links from specific sources: sent (Twitter Search
- Tweets sent within specific dates (Twitter Search since:2015-02-01 until:2015-02-10)
- Use the calendar dropdown to select a “from” date, “to” date or both
Verified Accounts
- Tweets sent within specific dates (Twitter Search since:2015-02-01 until:2015-02-10)
- Use the calendar dropdown to select a “from” date, “to” date or both
The information above is excerpted and condensed from the Twitter’s Help Center page on the subject. Like many of the entries here, these are primarily notes to myself, but I hope they are useful to others as well.