Is Amazon’s Larry Kirshbaum an Author’s Best Friend or Publishing’s Worst Nightmare?

Amazon claims that they’ve hired Kirshbaum, former head of Time Warner Books, to manage a publishing laboratory, “where authors and editors and marketers can test new ideas.” Established publishers see that, by taking on ebook production itself, Amazon can decimate their business by paying authors more and charging readers less — and many of these publishers view Kirshbaum as an enemy collaborator.

Kirshbaum himself believes that his new venture will drive the kind of change that publishing desperately needs. “I have a message I really believe in,” Kirshbaum says. “Which is that we’re trying to innovate in ways that can help everybody. We are trying to create a tide that will lift all boats.”

In Bloomberg Businessweek, Brad Stone delivers an accessible guide to the issues and current debate in publishing.


via Bloomberg Businessweek (link removed)

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