2012 Best and Worst Media Errors and Corrections

Craig Silverman writes “Regret the Error,” a regular column on Poytner.org covering the media’s funniest errors and corrections. In the end-of-year spirit, he’s gathered up his favorites — from CNN and Fox reporting that the Supreme Court struck down ObamaCare, to more NSFW fare.

Here’s my favorite, from the Atlantic:

This post originally referred to Jennifer Grey as “Ferris Bueller’s sister.” As commenters have pointed out, her role alongside Swayze in Dirty Dancing is clearly the more relevant. We regret putting Baby in a corner.

When thinking about the types of corrections that he sees most often, Silverman lists the following as most common: numerical mistakes, living people assumed to be dead, geography errors, confusing two people of similar race, nationality or social stature. So “Obama bin Laden killed by Seal Team Seven Last Night in Afghanistan” would be typical.

Also, the worst headline of the year? “At Last Singer Etta James Dies At 73 After Battle With Leukemia.”

via Poynter and Mediabistro.

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